Exposure therapy would be the technique to help a person be ready to get back into society as well as feel comfortable Exposure therapy simply takes the situation and changes the meaning of it. Cognitive-behavioral therapy along with exposure therapy helps the client work through some of their thoughts and their emotions about the past; the therapist will help the client work through some memories from of the situation that has created stress and anxiety. The therapist would work with the client through the exposure and help the client through emotions using relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises and are self-soothing exercises as well as other techniques. The idea of exposure therapy is to relive in some shape or form by revisiting the drama; this could be physically going to a place are reliving some of the memories.
Combat veterans will often sit with the therapist and go over some of the trauma that they keep reliving. Victims of domestic assault would relive the assault that they have been victims during the session; the therapist would pay close attention to thoughts or feelings of guilt, fear, shame and any other feeling that Arises. The therapist will help the client process thoughts and feelings.